This training is more than theory; you come out of it with a practical, intentional strategy for discipling men—not just any men, but your men in your church. We know churches don’t need a one-size-fits-all program; that’s why No Man Left Behind results in a written plan fully customized by your team.
Through interactive planning exercises and discussion, your team will be given a powerful vision and the tools to make it a reality. Need more leaders? This training is the perfect opportunity to develop new leaders and refresh existing ones. We’ll show you how to recruit leaders and build allies!
The No Man Left Behind Model works—plain and simple. In a survey of alumni, after an average time of 2 ½ years, the average number of men in church increased by 48%. Even more importantly, the average number of men actively engaged in discipleship increased by 84%! This isn’t just about church growth; it’s about spiritual growth, and we’ll show you how to reach ALL the men in your church.
The No Man Left Behind Model is a process to disciple men over the long term. Rather than focusing on a weekend retreat, small group study or other short-term momentum creator, our goal is sustainable, ongoing discipleship that moves every willing man from someone who doesn’t yet know Christ to a transformed follower of Him.